Home design trends can be a double-edged sword but, don’t worry, there are countless ways to mix trendy and timeless design concepts!

As you know, keeping up with trends can be expensive!

The last thing you want to do is remodel 5 -10 years after building a new home. Our advice is to prioritize quality and functionality first when building.  Once your timeless foundation is created, allow your textiles, art and accessories bring you toward a certain trend or aesthetic. Invest in quality design aesthetics that you will love long term.

Here are 5 Design Elements That Won't Go Out of Style Anytime Soon

Marble: It's not only a classic natural stone, it's also durable, easy to maintain and customizable.

Traditional Molding: It adds character to any space and is one feature that is always “in”.

Built in Shelves: They help elevate a room, make a space feel bigger, and the storage space is an added bonus.

Hardwood Floors:Choose a look that’s always on trend, go for brown hardwood floors that aren’t too light, aren’t too dark, and don’t have any major red, yellow, or blue undertones.

High Contrast: Black and white combinations are classic and never go out of style. 

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